John Mourelatos has been installing tile in Tucson homes for 20+ years and is very passionate about the Tile Industry and its Education. He is a proud member of NTCA (National Tile Contractors Association) and is Arizona State Ambassador for the NTCA.
He is an active participant on the NTCA Membership and Training and Education Committees. He is a Certified Tile Installer #1290 and has become a Regional Evaluator with CTEF (Ceramic Tile Education Foundation) to evaluate installers interested in Certification.
He a certified installer for Wedi Shower Systems, and participated in the Custom Building Products training forum at Custom Technical University.
He also has received certification for the Tile Installer Thin-set Standards (ITS) from the University of Ceramic Tile and Stone, where he also works as a Ceramic Tile Inspector in Arizona.
Ed Siebern has been installing tile in Tucson for 20 years, and is lead installer at Mourelatos Tile Pro since 2005.
He is certified by Wedi Shower Systems.
He is the first tile installed in Tucson to receive the Tile Installer Certification through the CTEF (Ceramic Tile Education Foundation), where he is also a Regional Evaluator for the Certified Tile Installer Program.